Healthy Lifestyle
What is Health?
· What do we mean by being healthy?
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (World Health Organization)
Physical Health
A healthy mind grows in a healthy body.
Physical health comes first when we generally talk about overall wellbeing.
Mental Health
Mental health holds the same weight just as physical health.
Mental health comes with the idea of balancing your emotions and feelings during any negative life event so it doesn’t affect your mental health and you are mentally healthy enough to cope up in the crisis time.
Precarious emotions or in other words contorted mental health may lead to several psychological disorders. For example, mood disorders, anxiety disorders or psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder(s).
A press report released in Geneva (2019) stated that one among four people do suffer from some kind of mental health disorder.
· How can we maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Eating Habits
“You are what you eat.” Anthelme Brillat Savarin
Yes! You read that right. What we eat is how we spring up physically, mentally and even socially. Our eating habits do define what are we going to turn into.
Physical Exercise is just as important as eating healthy.
Surveys propose that approximately 17% population in the United States remain physically active( )
You can let yourself engage in any kind of physical activity like doing cardio exercises, aerobics and what not.
Yoga- It is just as significant as any physical activity. Meditation or yoga helps you keep goal-oriented or purposeful in life.
Journal writing- Keep a journal. Write in daily. May it be your daily chores, certain things that make you feel in a certain way. It would be like a record of your self-talk.
Tip to try: Pen down about the things you are grateful for.
Stay Close to the Nature- Nature is your ultimate and legitimate doctor or therapist. Staying close to the nature keeps you sound and sane.
Importance of Positive Attitude towards Life (Bonus Part)
“Your attitude determines your altitude.” Zig Ziglar
· Positive Self Talk- Always talk to yourself as if you are talking to your most favorite person on this planet, e.g., “Hey! You’re looking great today.” “You’ve done an excellent job today.”, “You deserve the best.”, “I believe you can do wonders!”.
· Friends-There is a saying that your peer circle defines you. Yes! That is actually correct. Always be friends with people who motivates, inspire others and are kind and empathetic.
· Gratitude- Always take those people into account who have less than you so you can find out how much better you are doing in your life. Most people even do not have what you have already achieved. Assure how blessed you are.